Wherever there is a question about purchasing a car, you have to check a lot of things, and a major factor is its lifespan. It is a huge investment; you don’t want to go into a loss for it.
According to Consumer Reports, the average car lifespan today is eight years or 150,000 miles. That doesn't seem like a long time, especially considering how expensive cars may be nowadays.
Fortunately, you can do several simple things to extend your car's life beyond that initial timescale, such as routine maintenance, only using reliable spare parts, safe driving habits, and washing your car.
Let’s talk more about it in detail.
Top Car Maintenance Tips for Long-Lasting Performance
If you want your car to not only look good for years but also give you the best performance till last.
Check Your Spare Tire
It is just as critical to inflate the backup tire as the four tires under your vehicle. You don't want to realize your spare tire is flat when getting the jack out of your trunk.
Spending a dollar at the air pump every few months to fill your spare tire is preferable to spending hundreds of dollars on a tow truck in an emergency. So, along with the other best spare parts for car durability, always ensure you have a spare tire in your car too.
Periodic Car Maintenance
Regular car service is another essential part of car maintenance. It helps you address the issues before they cause any serious problems. You can get it checked from a reputable auto repair shop or the manufacturer's office. They will thoroughly check the car, including brakes, suspension, tires, and fluids.
In fact, if you are having any problems with the hub bearings or shock absorbers, they can also ensure the faults and guide you if any parts need replacement.
Use the Best Auto Spare Parts in the UAE
When it comes to changing faulty parts, you need high-quality auto spare parts. Low-quality ones will only damage your budget and the overall performance of the car.
So, go for authentic and premium quality spare parts, including arm bushing and control arms; buy from the trusted auto spare parts shop in Dubai.
Besides, make sure they:
Fit properly with no or less chance of any harm.
Have a value for money and a long-lasting life.
Improve your car’s durability.
Schedule Regular Oil Changes
Another important factor for keeping a car in good shape is to schedule regular oil changes. Clean oil is the need of your car’s engine and moving parts need it every now and then. Most often, the problem happens when oil viscosity decreases over time.
It ends up leaving the parts without lubrication. So, how many times do you need to replace the oil?
Well, you must determine it as per the car’s make and model or your driving habits.
Air Conditioning Service
The heat and humidity in the UAE necessitate the use of an air conditioner. To keep yourself comfortable while driving, have your air conditioning system tested and maintained regularly. Maintaining your vehicle's air conditioning system is critical to its efficiency and lifespan.
Regular maintenance involves cleaning the air filter to guarantee optimal airflow and having the entire system serviced by a professional once every 12 to 18 months. This proactive method improves the efficiency of your air conditioning and extends its lifespan, resulting in reliable and comfortable cooling while driving.
Keep It Clean
Regular washing and detailing not only keep your automobile looking beautiful but also protect the paint and body from dirt, debris, and environmental toxins.
Additionally, clean the interior on a regular basis to avoid wear and tear on the upholstery and maintain the cabin fresh and pleasant.
All in all, always Drive Safe
Your driving habits can significantly affect the longevity of your automobile and yourself. Even if you consider yourself a safe driver, you may have picked up some bad behaviors over time.
Do you tend to speed up and then slam on the brakes when you reach a traffic light?
Do you let your engine idle while you wait for someone?
Do you go faster over potholes, speed bumps, or rumble strips?
Do you frequently fail to remove the parking brake before driving?
Do you frequently shift into drive while your car is still traveling backwards?
By avoiding aggressive driving habits, you can extend the life of both your engine and brakes. If you answered YES to either of those questions, consider how much damage these two actions can cause over time. Instead, try to accelerate gently and maintain a speed that allows you to brake gradually when necessary.
In conclusion, proper maintenance is essential to extend the lifespan and ensure the performance of your car. By following these tips, such as using reliable spare parts, scheduling regular oil changes, and practicing safe driving, you can significantly prolong the life of your vehicle.
If you’re looking for high-quality auto parts, Eparts offers a wide range of premium products to meet all your needs. Visit our auto parts shop online for the best selection of auto spare parts in Dubai to keep your car running smoothly for years. Trust us to provide the parts that will ensure your car's longevity and efficiency.